Startup Ecology is...
Everything you need to launch from any shared workspaces in the world.
Start with the online training continue with weekly labs.
No cofounders required. We become your virtual and practical cofounder.
Launch, Grow, Manage - StartupEcology.com
1) Learn to Launch
2) Hack your Growth
3) Mastermind your Management
Startup secrets -
Why lean startups fail
Why you should never apply to an accelerator
Why cofounders are unnecessary
Why fundraising is a mistake
Why mentors can't really help you
How to go somewhere nobody's been yet.
Everything you need to Launch your startup
Learning to launch means you need to be proficient in all skills of entrepreneurship 3.0:
Lean thinking
Assumption assessing
Agile developing
Expert pitching
Fast prototyping
Market/product testing
Better bootstrapping
Fortunately, our online school can get you the training you need to become a monster entrepreneur.
Apply for beta tester scholarship.... Only $199 (instead of $999)
Startup Ecology is a New Type of Startup Support Environment
Learn to Launch
Take Off
Online School
for Startups
Founder's Lab
Buying the evidence to fund your startup
We fund your startup
Apply now - the barrier to entry is low, but the demands for staying in are high. Only the most serious and focused make it to funding.
Learn to Launch
Online School
for Startups
Our online school is where you will learn how to succeed as an entrepreneur in the new world of evidence based business development.
Learn to Launch
in 7 projects
* Lean SWOT analysis
* Why car
* Logline
* Elevator pitch - video-taped
* 3 Card Deck
* Survey
* Lean Canvas
Continued in the lab...
Mind map
A landing page
A rapid prototype
*Required for admittance into the Founder's Lab - - a support network of your entrepreneurial peers.
The phases of Startup Ecology
Founder's Lab
PHASE 1 - After you complete 7 projects in the online school you are invited to participate in the online community, the first phase of the Startup Ecology Accelerator. As members of this select community you will get:
Continued Education
Daily standups
Online forum
Access to consulting and coaching
Cost is $99 a month. (You must fill out the application that is given to you upon final review of your Learn to Launch portfolio.)
Buying the evidence to fund your startup
PHASE 2 - In order to take your startup off the ground, you have to buy evidence that this deserves to be funded. Evidence comes in the form of engaged users.
Engaged users are the result of product development combined with customer acquisition. Our team will use evidence-based marketing to validate your model.
We fund your startup
PHASE 3 - When you have evidence for your model, you are eligible for funding. We are in the process of raising our fund now. If you are interested in participating as an investor you can reach Atma on his LinkedIn profile
Apply now - it's easy to get in but hard to stay. Only the most serious and focused make it to funding and beyond.
How Startup Ecology Came to Be
For 200 years (from 1750 on ) entrepreneurship was largely the same. From 1950 on, it took on a newish life as information technology altered our world. And in the 10 years after the dot-com bubble of 2000, it morphed into something quite new.
Since 2010 entrepreneurship is undergoing a change that is unrecognizable.
Startup Ecology is the result of a 30 year project (currently in year 15) to understand these changes and create a new, more powerful framework for building businesses.

Our Team
We are an all star team dedicated to your success.
Atma - experienced, provocative, and intellectually dangerous; he has been described as, "the Olivia Pope of startups."
Atma is a trained behavioral scientist specializing in innovation and entrepreneurship. He has developed a school and accelerator for startups. His school, The Seven Disciplines of Successful Startups teaches what he calls, "Entrepreneurship 3.0".
Atma is currently working in New York with a number of coworking spaces to bring the lean methodology to every aspect of business development. Using his background in Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Atma is the first person to use science, sociology, and psychology to build startups in this manner.
For 25 years Atma has been speaking, writing, and commenting on politics, media, social organization, and business management. His only regret: he wishes he was funnier. Follow him on Linkedin.

Bjorn Ahbel is on a quest to build lean, world changing, organizations.
While earning a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Rochester, he served as president of a 60 person leadership development organization which sparked a passion for building organizations. Since then, Bjorn has worked with an array of organizations including two Fortune 500 companies and five early stage startups.
Bjorn specializes in mechanical product development and go-to-market strategy. As an engineer at IBM, he designed the System Z supercomputer which processes 80% of banking worldwide. In addition to tech development, Bjorn works with entrepreneurs and startups to develop organizational identity, build teams, and develop lean strategies.
In his free time, Bjorn can be found recording music and flying power kites.

Stefan Persson is a full stack marketer & growth hacker
He has worked across agencies, Fortune Global 100 businesses and early stage startups to find the fastest, leanest path to their goals. By answering key questions and testing critical ideas through focused marketing and analytics, he has helped many businesses accelerate their growth.
A true full stack marketer, he has deep expertise and experience in all aspects of digital marketing. He has worked with publishing firms, large e-tailers, eCommerce shops, and a growing list of early stage startups.
In his spare time, he's marketing himself and testing growth hacks on his own social media profiles, while listening to some drivin' IDM beats. Marketing is in his DNA.

Gary Glass is a Serial Tech-Preneur of the rarest type: creative and systematic
Gary is a MBA and technologist who is able to mentor entrepreneurs through many aspects of strategizing business opportunities and leveraging technology to do so.
Before the 30x exit from his e-commerce startup Gary worked for the $130B biotech giant, Gilead Sciences. There he designed global workflow-based technology solutions. Gary took the same operational efficiency-driven methodologies used by Gilead and other world-class businesses, and invested $3M from the proceeds from the e-commerce startup to build an integrated cloud-based data and process management platform tailored specifically for the needs of 21st century businesses.
A dog lover, and expert musician, he can also be found burning up the salsa dance floor.

Coming Soon! Our UX/Design Expert
Startup Ecology is seeking an expert in UX/Design with a background in graphic design and critical thinking. Maybe it will be you?
(Just maybe don't have distinct chromosomes. We have enough XY types onboard:)


What others are saying:
"Startup Ecology should have a tagline: 'Empowering Tomorrow's Business Leaders Today'. The recommended approach can save entrepreneurs tremendous amounts of time and money, but it requires a change in mindset. And the qualities that make people entrepreneurs can make them resistant to embracing the new paradigm. I have learned a lot from the classes; so much that at times I feel overwhelmed. And I am inspired by the raw creativity my class members have in areas I know nothing about! "
John Carlson, Attorney at law/Entrepreneur
"The program is place I receive support from people on the same entrepreneurship journey as me. Atma's lectures are practical, result driven and incredibly relevant to my business growth. In the program I learn from Atma as well as from my classmates. Everyone is helpful and we feel invested in each others' success."
Hannaj Njoku, Schools of USA
"I have tried to schedule my business goals around Atma's curriculum, and even put out my MVP after his class on prototyping (https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/cycle-2-evolve/x/370439). I have completely changed my communications, and am properly adapting to market feedback."
Jonathan Conors, Entrepreneur
"Startup ecology is giving me incentive and knowledge to be able to build a much more efficient business structure than I had in mind before joining the classes. All the tools I have been learning are now a very important piece in towards building a more successful business and not make the mistakes start ups usually make when they are starting their business."
Carla Annapuris, Media Personality
"The program has helped me grow through knowing how to be concise in my messaging. For example, stating what I created and the promise about what my service can do is something I didn't think about prior to this program. My videos sound a lot better and I get better feedback."
Verona Forde, Dancer/Entrepreneur
"Startup Ecology is important to me because it is the missing link to all of the business education that I received in the past. The skill and knowledge of Atma is extremely impressive. I have reached levels in my business this short amount of time that I have been unable to reach in years."
Monica Barrette, Entrepreneur
"I've had a concept for a networking app and decided to pursue it a couple years ago. I had zero background in app development and made every mistake conceivable...wasting money & time. This experience brought into sharp focus for me the tremendous value of Startup Ecology. Through this program I'm accessing a structured model to create a successful business as well as technical help and invaluable emotional support from Atma and the rest of the group. It's no longer a lonely battle to build my idea and I appreciate that greatly."
Don Jones - Business Development Specialist

Would you like to discuss how Startup Ecology can increase the probability of your success?
Sign up for a free 30-minute brainstorm and strategy session with Atma at our downtown Manhattan office.
Our Partners

The biggest co-working company on earth

LMHQ & The Downtown Alliance

The most powerful, new LMS on the internet

The biggest build your site company anywhere